Bangitout's 5th Annual TubAv CELEBRATION!!
Come celebrate the greatest Jewish Holiday! (Last year 900+ hot yids, everyone wears WHITE, 80+ peeps got dates)
When:Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006 7:30pm-2am (Rain Date: Thurs Aug 10)
Where: Hudson Beach Cafe in RIVERSIDE PARK. (Enter riverside park at w. 103rd street walk down to the water (follow the tubav signs)
Details: Bangitout is once again bringing back the once forgotten holiday of Tubav, the fantastic Jewish holiday that carries with it the mystical power of meeting your soulmate!
The party works as follows:
1. You show up wearing something white and hot (as dictated by the Talmud)
2. You get a funky sticker with a number on it and a small little game card.
3. You get some free drinks with 900 other yids and enjoy a wonderful night in the park, on the water
4. You scan the crowd of hundreds of cool allstar beautiful yids and pinpoint any potential basherts.
5. You hopefully talk to some of them
6. You write down your potential bashert's game number on your game card 6. You hand in your card in and bangitout takes care of the rest – if your potential bashert writes your number down, you'll get an email from us setting you up on a date! It's fun, risk free, and last year more than 80 people got hooked up on dates! Show up, have fun and take advantage of this incredible holiday. This will rock!
Contact: feel free to contact with any questions or concerns you have. Can't wait to see you there!
pics from last year 2005 here:
pics from 2004 here:
from 2003's party here: see below for FAQ
Mark your calendar, and find your most original WHITE outfit to wear
Bangitout's 4th Annual Tub'Av Party in Riverside Park (Wed Aug 9th)
Where: Hudson Beach Cafe (enter at W. 103rd St. into Riverside Park)
When: Thursday August 9th, 7:30pm-2am (raindate:Thurs, August 19t)
What: Huge party in the park, hundreds of all-star fun jews, summer drinks, good music, oh, and speeddate about 900 people.
Tubav? Isn't that the Jewish Holiday for the fruits? Yes, you are correct, well, except for the fruit part. Tubav is actually not Tubshvat (Holiday of the fruits), it is the Jewish holiday of Romance – although they both fall out on the 15th of the month, which is what “TU” really means (as in “Et TU Brute?” or the more commonly known, “TuLegitTUquit”) either way you are correct, both holidays, after a few drinks, will some way lead to getting fruitful, multiplying and maybe even enjoying a date.
What type of people will be there? Good question, due to the fact that there will be around 900 hot, fun Jews, the entire spectrum of Jews will be showing up, so count on the fact that this will be probably be nothing like going to going to shul
Will this be at all cool?? Weather is always factor, and a rain date has been set for Thurs Aug 10. But, having thrown this shabang for 4 years, we know the peeps that come to this will be hot, available and just as much into Seinfeld reruns as you are.
Will I Score? Chances are very high, afterall there is a beach volleyball court next to the bar.
Do Rabbis encourage this? This is a Jewish Holiday mentioned in the Gemara. There will be more available Jewish peeps at this party looking to meet new people than anywhere. Guys will be wearin white shirts. There will be someone there you can actually marry. So no, probably not.
Will there be those slimy club guys coming to this? Obviously we can expect some, afterall this is a Jewish event right? but since we are donating some proceeds to Tzedakah, they will most likely be slimy but good-natured.
Do people actually wear white? Yep. Since we've set a reliable rain-date set (aug 10), ladies are totally comfortable with wearin WHITE , and guys dig pdiddy – but again there's nothing stopping you from wearing whatever color or outfit that will make someone from the opposite sex stop and say “DANG, #324 in the red is smoking!!!!” (note: smoking is permitted)
Will there be love in the air? Absolutely, although that may just be the humidity, or #324 smoking.
What happens if I match with more than one person? You can only match with as many people as you write down! So write down as many potential basherts as you can – As long as they write your number down, you get set up – and get this, you'll actually be getting set up with someone your attracted to!!!
What time should I show up? 7:30pm, beat the lines, get to the bar easily, shmooze with the bangitout staff including Rita Lourie Galena, the bangitout mom matchmaker.
all sorts of surpises are bound to happen