We had the opportunity to attend the CEA Line Show in NYC. The CEA Line Show showcases the most advanced technology on the market today. David Merel CEO of Merel Technologies (mereltechnologies.com/) showcased his mTouch an interactive multi touch. If you have seen CSI and Minority Report you have seen what a interactive table is capable of. David has created the most affordable interactive table on the market today. Production is all done in the USA and he has showcased at various events including the ESPN X games. Recently David launched a new venture called social passport (socialpassport.net) which brings Social Media into the real world. Many charity events are using this incredible free tool to maximize their social media outreach at their charity events.. David has also leveraged the resources of his company to develop interactive Jewish applications. He received a grant from Birthright Israel NEXT/Natan Foundation to build mIsrael. mIsrael is is fully interactive iPad application which can be used as an interactive tour guide while in Israel and as a educational tool when individual return from Israel.