Just in time for the Aseret Yemay Teshuva, a host of websites have sprung up all dedicated to helping those desperately in need of a cold shower.  As covered in Arutz Sheva here,  these websites offer advice on how to control your uncontrollable urges…

Here they are: (yes, they are a great great laugh, but also pretty extensive coverage of the issues – namely porn, porn and more porn)

1.  www.tikunhabrit.com –  reviews porn filters, and gives a serious TOP 5 to do list to do teshuva (#3 Crying)

2. www.briskodesh.org  – get this – Kabbalah-related articles on the prohibition of masturbation (let's put it this way, the red string ain't going to be tied around your wrist)

3. JewishSexuality.com run by a BT who was once a Hollywood screenwriter, need we say more?