NY Jewish Comedian and Jcorps Founder, Ari Teman was invited to the Whitehouse Chanukah Party – a party jammed with Who's-Who in the District's Jewish Life  as well as important heebs from across the country. When he finally got to meet the President, he took those few seconds and offered him a completley off-color (pun intended) joke. Hysterical….

This is about how it went down:

Ari: Mr. President, I'm a comedian from New York —
Obama: Are you funny?
Ari : I tell jokes about you on stage every night, can I tell you one?
Obama: Sure.
Ari: I'll say “Obama” instead of “Mr. President.”
Obama: Sure.
Ari: So, they're calling Obama a Nazi —
Obama: oh yeah (nodding)
Ari: which I think is fantastic… because if you thought the Presidency was a tough job for a black guy to get!
[Obama starts cracking up.]
Ari: …Nazi… we have overcome! Mr. President, you have broken down color barriers!
[Obama, still laughing, shakes my hand again and gives me a hug]
Obama: That's great!!