Not sure who is working the PR desk for those Palestinian Terrorists groups, but THIS LITTLE RECENT NAME CHANGE probably isn't gonna help their murderous cause….not that it makes a difference really. 

Afterall, they kill, they kidnap, they whine for more money…and yet still they have diehard US/EU supporters, insane…but if the strategy works for them, stick with it!  Perhaps some other new Martyr Brigade names, aside from the new Sadam Hussein Group -may include the following:

10.    Dr. Joseph Mengale Children's Brigade

9.      The Mahmoud 'Atta Boy' Terror Squad

8.       Lord Voldemartyr Brigade

7.       Osamarama

6.       Clap your hands Say Jeffrey Dahmer!

5.       Black September 11th

4.       Timothy Mc-OY-Veigh Palestinian Freedom Fighters

3.       Kevin Federline 

2.       Screw Darfur

1.       Terrorists