from Thanks to Nameless Faceless for inspiring this one… her post made me realize that I've got to work on my gag reflex. They used to say that Jewish girls don't give blowjobs. Guess Monica Lewinsky changed that up. Or maybe she just 'blew' our cover – maybe we just wanted to keep our guys thinking that a BJ from a Jewish girl was a very rare and special gift, necessitating a very rare and special gift in return, preferably diamonds. I think I was in middle school when the whole Bill Clinton scandal erupted. I didn't know what the big deal was – surely a cheating President was nothing new…(we'd all heard about JFK + Marilyn Monroe… and side note – don't I kinda look like her? Marilyn, not Monica) I remember Barbara Walters asking Monica whether oral sex was considered sex. I was shocked by this question. Didn't Barbara know the difference? (I was actually also kind of surprised that someone over the age of 16 knew what oral sex was….I kinda thought our generation had invented it.) At my co-ed MO day school, probably starting in middle school, bj's were something that happened. We all knew which girls were doing it, which boys they were doing it with, and we loved talking about them – and it. When you're at that age when you're learning about how your own body works, learning about how the opposite sex's body works feels like getting in on the hugest secret ever. And girls love sharing secrets. Some girls kept lists of their conquests (thank you feminism) and showed their lists to their 'best and closest friends' who in turn told everyone else. Sure those girls were labeled sluts, and sure we sang 'Hi Ho, Hi Ho' as they walked the halls, but maybe the rest of us were just a little jealous that these girls got to know and see what 'it' was all about. Maybe it was because of the Bill-Monica situation, or maybe because word had finally reached adult ears of the 'infamy' of our school's girls… that the administration decided to take action. They hired one of the rabbi's wives to give us what was essentially a one-time sex-ed course, obviously not labelled as such. We basically spent two hours making her explain why bj's aren't kosher – she blushed the entire time and said it was 'yucky' and that she couldn't imagine doing that with her husband. I think we were more than happy to hear that last part. I don't think anything else she said was all that effective. So are bj's kosher? Well – does it really matter? Even if it isn't, will it stop anyone?