I think, after the Associated Press and others went ahead and headlined their rally coverage with the titles: "Pentagon Official Booed at Israel Rally" and similar ideas, I decided it'd be funny and biting to imagine different newspapers and magazines composing headlines for yesterday's event. Feel free to add some of your own!

10. Reuters: Jews Jeer Defense Deputy
[subhead] Thousands turn out to support Israel's military action against Palestinian civilians.

9. Chicago Tribune: Palestinians Demonstrate Against Israeli Oppression
[subhead] Calls for justice drowned out by pro-Israel crowd.

8. Amsterdam News: NY Jews Remind Congress Who's Got The Money

7. NY Post: Rudy, George Blast Arafat

6. The Jewish Week: Thousands Rally in Support of Bush Peace Efforts

5. Jewish Lifestyle: New Chevra CD Rocks at DC Rally

4. The Jewish Press: Arafat Has Backpack-Size Nuclear Bombs!!!

3. Jewish Observer: How to Protect our Kids from OU-Sponsored Bitul Torah

2. Onlysimchas.com: Millions Meet at Rally, 'Save The Date' Entries Multiply tenfold

1. bangitout.com: Wow, Jewish highschool girls are hot!