10.  Every time you see Super Bowl XXXVII, you think Hertz/Soncino Chumash chapters

9.   Your yeshivish cousin Shimmy is still saying "Whazzzzzuuupp!" to sound "with it"

8    You don't have to fast

7.   There's always some Al Michaels look-alike davening in your shul   

6    It's the reason you made your father-in-law pay for the 36" HDTV Flatscreen TV, isn't it?

5    Touchdown celebration dances reminds you of your wedding at Marina Del Rey 

4    Sounds like JNF's Super Sunday Telethon

3    No matter who wins, you're going to Disneyworld for Pesach

2    There's always one guy who needs to fervently explain the Talmudic logic of why one Bud commercial was better than another

1    Jews know the real pressure of getting a "Ring"