15) Hey doll, wanna be one of my 72?

14) Hajjyoudoin'?

13) I'm new in town, can you give me directions to your cave?

12) Girl, you fine. I see praying five times a day has paid off.

11) That's a nice burka, can I talk you out of it?

10) I know Halal meat does a body good, but day-um, how much you been eatin'?

9) Bond. Mohammed Bond.

8) If you give me your virginity, you won't have to deal with those suicide guys.

7) Hey baby, your refugee camp or mine?

6) What's a nice girl like you doing in a bombed out shelter like this?

5) Is this dynamite in my pocket, or am I just happy to see you?

4) Boy I'd love to occupy your territory.

3) I bet you cause uprisings whereever you go.

2) For you baby, I'd give up sheep.

1) Jihad me at hello.