10. "Can I go to the Bathroom?" Rebbi: "I don't know, can you?" (why the heck did we always laugh at that? "MAY I!" the lesson: be meticulous with every word you use!)

9. "Go take a long walk off a short pier" (lesson: even your insults must contain some sort of kal vchomer logic)

8. "What's that got to do with the price of tea in China!" ( variation: Bejip) – uhhh where's bejip? – lesson: geography is not important unless it involves how to get to Lakewood)

7. You fall asleep in class and then wake up, Rebbi: "Looks like someone has to wash negel vasser again!" (lesson: halacha + humor + slight humiliation makes for big laughs)

6. Rebbe response to any "what if" parsha question: "I don't know, I wasn't there!" (translation: my response would probably sound and be too heretical to actually voice)

5. "Don't hock my tzchainick!" (note phonetcial "China" theme #8!) (translation: you don't know yiddish, so chances of you saying something smart is highly unlikely.)

4. Don't Assume, cause it makes an A** out of U and ME (lesson: cool rebbis can curse if it involves a good chiddush)

3. "Right Track, Wrong Train" (The most popular rebbi line that is often taken too far: "But your at the right station, and you've certainly got a ticket, and your bags are fully packed…)

2. Your sister/brother knew the answer when they were in my class shalom therapy.

1. Next word, Mr_____?… (you repeat the same word, you win.)