10. After the famous R' Klein/ R' Kolko split, you still sided with R' Kolko, & always wondered how much he got in the "settlement".

9. You can't listen to Yisroel Williger at all now because of overkill, the year his first album came out, they played his music every day & night.

8. You vividly remember going to inter-camps chanting "Let's get a little bit snobby MA NA VU", & banging on the ceiling of the bus.

7. As a junior staff member you prided yourself in scheduling your off days on Wednesdays, as that night was the weekly mixed roller skating night at the rink in Woodbury.

6. You knew you were the only camp that had "Neighborhood Day". You had quite a time explaining the phenomenon to your friends in other camps.

5. Another camp question never answered: What was the point of the golf course if we never played on it?

4. Even on the Canada trip, they still made you wear a hat & jacket for davening. Unbelievable!

3. No matter what was happening in any league game, there was always a 15 minute "snack break" at a horribly assigned time every day. Kind of like the cigarette intermission break at the movies in Israel – always seems to come at quite an inopportune time.

2. Somehow, each bunk only got to go go-carting twice each summer, yet arts & crafts was twice a week.

1. According to them, if you are reading this, you "went off the derech" somewhere along the line