10. March Madness is what you call the month prior to Pesach when you clean your house

9. The Final Four is a clear reference to the Four Sons

8. Dick Vitale shares the same hair style as Yuel Brenner

7. Sweet Sixteen is the unmentioned final step of the seder night: Going to sleep drunk

6. Wildcats, Longhorns, Terrapins, Hawks, Tigers, add up to one crazy dose of Arbah

5. Talk about snubbed, the Jews were put in the lowest bracket for over 200 years

4. After all is said and done, the Egyptians are definitely going to be upset

3. You call your #1 pick "The Chosen People"

2. At the Big Dance (Sinai) the Jews became the sleeper

1. NCAA is actually one of the lost acronymns of Rabbi Gamliel: Negotiate Cash for Afikomen Abduction