10. Under his usual black attire, he'd be wearing a white-on-white shirt, and his cloak would have tzitzis

9. Along with a Light saber in one hand, he'd have an esrog in the other

8. The Death Star would be renamed, The David Star

7. "Luke, I am Your Father, No?…now cut that hair and get a real job"

6. Instead of trying to conquer the galaxy, Him and Natalie Portman would try finding a place to settle in Ramat Bet Shemesh

5. His rebbeim, Yoda and Obe Wan Knobe, may have tried keeping him on the derech by having him read Mesilas Yesharim a few more times

4. He would have renamed trusty robots – C613PO and r770d770

3. He never in a million years would have allowed his tznius daughter, Princess Leia, to get involved with a wild guy named Han

2. Getting people to come to the dark side would have involve a mitzvah tank

1. The term, "May the Force Be with You" would end off with an "Im Yirtzeh Hashem"