10. Make Kiddush on expensive champagne (Jewish translation: Rashi Wine)

9 Countdown to New Years reaches climax when your shabbos clock shuts off all lights and you goto sleep…at 8pm

8. Walk around reminding people that there is no shofar blowing because you can't carry

7. Find 3 righteous Jews around shul to absolve you of last years' resolutions

6. Kiddush Club suddenly moves Haftorah reading to Friday at midnight

5. For football fans, cholent should be served in a rose bowl

4. Be Dan L'Kav Zechus that the music blasting from your orthodox roommates room is just one wild oneg

3. Sing Shir Hamalos to tune of "auld lang syne" then realize halfway in that you don't know how the tune goes

2. Rabbi surprises everyone when he doesn't mention connection between New Years & new book of Shemos

1. Daven at Chabad