10. The people at the table with more tin foil wrapping than actual food

9. Skirt over snow pants is only identifyable way to tell the boys from the girls

8. Person leaves stylish Uggs boots out rather than pay for a second locker

7. Layers upon layers of clothnig can not conceal the age-old problem: tzitzit string sticking out of butt

6. The girl who starts weeping at the “Double Black Diamond” sign, primarily because she doesn’t have one on her finger

5. Look for the 10 short guys in the most tranversed area of the lodge….shokeling (Mincha in ski-boots rocks!)

4. 20 Girls stopped in the middle of the mountain asking skiers if they can stop and take their class picture

3. Person who keeps asking super hot ski instructor personal questions about their lineage

2. When leaving you over hear an intense talmudic conversation about the best way to drive to Dougies from Vermont

1. Entire ski attire consist of one item: a trench coat