10. There must be a wealthy man who became poor because he didn't give tzedaka, and then became rich again because he did

9. There are no hotels or motels – just inns.

8.  A king must have some strange illness which no doctors in the land can cure, except for one old wise peasant named moishele.

7.  No matter how poor the person is, there will always be just enough money to buy matzahs.

6.  There must be a shoe maker involved.

5.  The only currencies that have any value are Rubles and good deeds

4.  Like Donald Trump, every wise rabbi must have an apprentice

3.  Any dirty beggar mentioned has about a 85% chance of being Elijah the Prophet

2.  The most beautiful daughter of the richest man in town must marry the poorest holiest rabbi's son

1.  Every one must have the middle name "The":  Moishele the tailor, Shemelke the butcher, Mendy the gambler, Surahla the prostitute.