After Oorah put up a billboard on Lee Ave in Williamsburg asking for people to donate their cars they got a black eye, or more specifically the kid in the poster got black bearded out because as the New York Times, and Gothamist notes, the child didn't have payis or look like the typical neighborhood Satmar kid ….Oy.  So Oorrah decided to revamp their billboard, this time with alittle more saichel, and possibly a drop of chariff.   

The new billboard totes a photoshopped kid with new Satmar payis and an awesome guerilla marketing tactic that “bavorns the kasha” and the communities objections: prevandalizing their own sign with grafitti that states the original message of  “Donate your Car” in the Satmar street language, yiddish. Snap! (or maybe paatch!) Awesome shtuch!

Yasher Koach to Oorah for banging out a sense of humor and shedding some light and marketing savvy in the frum advertising world.