The funniest e-card website out there today – – has launched its newest Passover ecards. You must check these out – hysterical.  Take a second and forward a few of these to your friends and have a SomeEcard Passover!  Here are our favorites!

Let's commemorate our people's freedom from 210 years of slavery by rushing through a 30-minute Seder

I'd rather be enslaved to a sadistic Egyptian Pharaoh than temporarily give up anything leavened

Please help me understand how boils and locusts are plagues but bread that tastes like cardboard isn't

I'm fairly certain that gefilte fish is what makes people afraid of Jews

Let's freak out gentiles with our incredibly weird and ominous Passover customs

Sorry you're no longer young enough to read the Four Questions

Sorry your side of the family won't merit my attendance at the first-night Seder

Apparently it's okay to massacre all firstborn children as long as it doesn't include ours

Have a good whatever Jewish holiday it is

I'm Jewish today

This night is different from all other nights because we actually acknowledge we're Jewish