Woman: I’ve tried it all: shidduch dating, meeting men at bars, Yachad shabbatons, even speed dating – isn’t there an easier answer for me?


That was me a just few months ago,  Hi My name is Dani Weinstock and Welcome to Dating Solutions international, where we realize different people have different dating needs.

Is Speed dating too fast? Is Regular dating too fast?

We have slow dating options to suit your needs:

Chaim: Hi Rachel Greenberg, How are you

(long time elapsed)

Rachel: Good, Chaim

Waiter comes by –“Sir, not to be rude, but you’ve been here for hours and we’d like to close up. The manager asks that you leave. (looks at both of them, and then leaves in frustration.)

(Time elapsed)

Rachel: How are you?

(Time elapsed)

Chaim: Is it ok if I just call you Rachel

(Time elapsed)

Rachel: I think this is all going too fast for me


Or alternatively, superspeed dating…

Chaim: Hi

Rachel: Hi

Chaim: How are you?

Rachel: Good How are you?

Chaim: Good

Rachel: Good

Chaim: Great, Wanna get hitched?

Rachel: You Bet!


Or alternatively, reverse dating…


Rachel: There is no way in hell I will go out with you again!!

Chaim: I had a great time, is it OK if I call you tomorrow?

Rachel: It’s late, I should really go.

Chaim: …And though it’s a bit unorthodox

Dating Solutions International we can find the right match for you!