10. Really crummy advisors were probably to blame for both disaster situations

9. Matisyahu needed a heter to play Nawlins on Fat Tuesday

8. Beads make really cute shalach manos decorations

7 In both, people were faced with annihilation, and in both they ended up dancing in the streets

6. When someone asks who is to blame for Katrina, you answer: "It's a whole long megillah…"

5. Both have insane wild alcoholic parties: one which a rabbi strictly prohibits, the other he strictly requires

4. For both: you have to give, to get

3. It's so easy to confuse Arror FEMA and Arror Bush

2. Katrina sounds like a great name to give to Haman's daughter for really lame school plays

1. The real joy of Mardis Gras this year: Matanos L'evyonim